Monthly Archives: February 2017

Stack of Joy

List of 9 Tomes I Checked Out of the Library Today 

Two non-fiction:

  1. The Book of Joy – by the Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu
  2. The Super Fun Times Vegan Holiday Cooking 

These books sound like they have to make my life better.  Not that it’s bad now but, hey, better is good right? And I want to have joyfully fun times while eating and knowing no animals were harmed in the making of my meal! 

Seven fiction:

  1. The Twenty Three-Thriller
  2. Black House – Stephen King & Straub
  3. Pigs In Heaven – Barbara Kingsolver (sequel to The Bean Trees so I’m excited )
  4. Perfume River – about relationships after the Vietnam War
  5. Orphan Train – somewhat self explanatory. 
  6. Christmas Joy – niece returns home to help run family farm. 
  7. A Baxter Family Christmas -a father invites the recipient of his daughter’s kidney to Christmas dinner  (Ok, the fact that one of our dog’s is named Baxter influenced me on this one.)

    And I don’t want to forget my pile of magazines!

    So if any of you ever wanted to ask me if I read much?

    ‘Little bit. 

    Yet again, life is good. Peace be with you. 

    A Good Day 

    It’s been a beautiful day in Northeast Ohio for mid-February. It’s 64 degrees and sunny. Quite the rarity. So we loaded up three of the dogs and headed to Towners Woods for a hike.

    As you can see, a good time was had by all. That’s a walk 6 out of the last 7 days for us. 

    Baxter and Shelby are quite reliable. They can hike the trails off leash. They come back when they are called. Even when they see other dogs, people,  or wildlife. And then there is Cassius the greyhound. You will notice that he is NEVER off leash in the pictures, or anywhere for that matter. He’s what we call a flight risk. We know from experience that he is not reliable off lead. Granted we have only had him for six months but given his temperament we realize that he may never be. That’s ok. We still think he’s an awesome dog.

    And this is what the dogs are doing after our hike. A tired dog is a good dog! 


    Boy, do I miss these days of lounging on the patio and relaxing. Soon they will come again and the endless, grey days will be but a memory. 
    I really do like the winter time. But even I am ready for a bit warmer weather, more sun, and green growing things. So here is a photo of one of my favorite early bloomers.

    Nothing beats a peony, and especially a whole bed of them. Their fragrance is divine and they are a beauty to behold. So hold on dear ones. Spring is around the corner.


    All the world is her friend. Shelby is able to spread joy wherever she goes. And she thinks belly rubs make the world go round. 

    Her smile can spread happiness. Whether at home or visiting her friends, this look can change your day. 

    People stop by and pet her and the smiling begins. 

    And she can work this magic with the old and the young. Not to mention those in between. This is the power of a therapy dog. 

    Kammie Update 

    Just wanted to give you an update on our forever foster girl, Kammie. She is doing well! 

    She waits for me to give her meds twice each day. She is so polite about it, waiting for me to load the pill shooter. It is usually meal time right afterwards so that helps. 

    Kammie continues to enjoy her days. You can read her intake story into Northeast Ohio Shetland Sheepdog Rescue in one of the November posts on this blog. She loves to spend time outside with the other dogs. She lines up to go out with all the others and barks her fool head off. It’s a great thing to witness. We are glad that she has the spunk to do it. (Kammie has tumors in her bladder but you would not guess.)

    She joins the conga line of beggars in the kitchen when we chop vegetables. All of our dogs, with the exception of Baxter, love vegetables so we must always toss each of them a bite. Kammie is an excellent catcher! She lines up for the evening licking of the ice cream bowls, unless it is chocolate, in which all the dogs want to know why we are so cruel. In short, Kammie is enjoying life and we are enjoying her!