What’s on My Mind This Morning


What’s on my mind this morning? I’m afraid it’s nothing good. We were sitting around discussing the state of the world over morning coffee. One of my thoughts was how people in general, don’t seem to treat each other with respect anymore. Now maybe that makes me an old griper, spouting “Back in my day…”, but I’m going to share just one of the ways that I don’t think we treat each other as kindly as we could.

Often, when I am out in public, the grocery store parking lot, or a sidewalk downtown, I hear people cursing. And not just at each other, although that happens too. They are using curse words as adjectives, and frequently. The swearer doesn’t care or even seem to notice if there are children present, or anyone else who may be offended. They are sometimes in their own little world talking to their companion and don’t have a clue who is nearby. Other times, I think the person is using public swearing on purpose, because they think it makes them look cool and gives them a certain status. It does indeed give them a certain status in my mind, but I’m pretty sure it was not what they were going for.

Now lest you think me a prude, let me state that I too curse. I do it when I am angry, or to make a point. I curse with intent! And I do not curse in the presence of children or when I am representing someone else like an employer or social group. I try not to curse when I am in public in case, I may offend someone. And I do not want to be known as someone who randomly blurts out curse words instead of using words that are more descriptive and better suit my purpose. I was taught that people who use curse words are not intelligent enough to find other words to express themselves. This may make me old by the standards of today’s world. Those of you reading this who disagree, will at least know why some of us are offended by the everyday use of curse words. And no, I don’t think all of you who curse are stupid. The times have changed along with the generations as is the way of the world.

Our actions and our words set the tone for how others in the world see us. It’s not a bad idea for all of us to do a check on these and think about how the image we are presenting to the world aligns with the one that we want to present. Are we fostering the persona of who we want to be? If yes, you’re good to go. If not, maybe you want to make some adjustments. I know that I for one, always have room for improvement.

Peace be with you.

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